Member-only story
Want to Make Writing Your Job?
Then Make Writing Your Job!
Yes, there are a ton of stories about how writer so-and-so earned so much money this past month on Medium. Then, there are the stories about how being a writer means working from home or a coffeehouse or the beach. Then there are the stories about how people are struggling to make it as a writer. I mean, they’ve written one or two brilliant pieces of content and don’t understand why they’re not (yet) living a life of luxury.
Here’s the deal: Writing is hard. It’s work. It’s hard work.
Yes, passive income is awesome. It can liberate you to work on projects you love. It can mean money comes in even when you take a week off to recharge. But you have to EARN that passive income. That means doing the work. If you want to earn passive income from writing, you have to be writing. Always. If you’re not writing, you should be reading and absorbing good writing. This will inevitably make you a better writer.
As Kiran K-Star notes:
For example, if you are publishing one story daily and spend the rest of your time talking about poor stats and low income, why not write another story and provide more and more valuable content to the reader.
Do you want to be in the 5–10% of Medium writers who earn more than $100 a month? If yes, are you willing to…