Time for Another Simily Update
Slow and steady and somewhat frustrating
I continue to chronicle my Simily journey — both so I can see what I’ve been doing and so I can share with other writers either on the platform or considering it.
Last week, I noted that Simily had surpassed 4000 members. Now, it is close to 4200.
It’s not exactly burning up with new members. Still, it is adding members each week.
Aside from the relatively small audience, another area of concern is activity. There are times when I go to the platform and find only two or three other “active” members. I mean, sure, 4200 people isn’t many. But it seems that a successful platform should have more activity than Simily currently does.
I will keep noting what I think Simily can do to improve the experience for readers and writers short of updating to a new hosting platform.
Here it is: Use Simily’s social media platforms to promote writing. Do something — anything — to promote the writing on the platform.