Member-only story
The Same Story at ManyStories
The content sharing platform has some advantages
Where do you go to find all the writing from your favorite writers in one place?
Sure, some writers have websites or blogs where they post their content.
One other possible avenue? ManyStories.
I’ve been writing there for just over a month and I’ve found the site to be useful for both exposing my work to new readers and also for finding new writers to enjoy.
This week, I was once again named a “top writer.”
Specifically, I was 4th place in their “Top Ten” list.
All this means is that of those sharing content on the site, I was in the top ten in terms of articles shared.
I was also a top ten reader.
And to me, that’s the point.
Yes, sharing your content may be one more way to get a few new eyes on your work.
But the fact that a number of the top sharers are also top readers demonstrates the site’s…