Sometimes, Medium is Funny
Like when you read the truth and it makes you laugh
Most of the time on Medium, I read serious or ostensibly serious pieces about topics of at least some interest. Other times, I happen upon something here that’s pretty funny. Usually, it’s when people are making fun of the fuckload of writing about how if you just keep writing on Medium a lot, you’ll make lots of Medium cash.
Writing About How Writing About Money Makes Money | by Andy Spears | Jan, 2022 | Medium
Anyway, it was with great pleasure that I read the following piece that explained the proper approach to NOT earning money on Medium. Check it out and see if these ideas have any merit:
This recommendation particularly stood out:
I sometimes wake up after 7 a.m. This means I fail to greet the day early with a smile, some exercise, and a mug of coffee so large I actually manage to forget about what lies ahead for five minutes. Not only that — I also miss the chance to read seven books that will change my life before 7 a.m.!
What do you think? How do you NOT make money on Medium?