One Tennessee School District’s Experience with Critical Race Theory . . . and Seahorses

Andy Spears
3 min readJun 23, 2021

If you’re looking for the hotbed of leftist indoctrination in Tennessee, you should look no further than Williamson County, the wealthiest in the state, located just south of Nashville.

I mean, just look at the Williamson County Schools embracing diversity and also promoting seahorse porn.

It’s very troubling.

Williamson Strong has a take on the latest events there:

As a reminder, the national Moms for Liberty organization is making a full court press here in Williamson County against….elementary school books, which they allege are teaching Critical Race Theory You can watch segments on their own YouTube channel for a full deep dive on their Critical Race Theory 101 event that was held a few weeks ago if you have a few hours to kill.

The group’s members and their social media supporters are constantly decrying the supposed indoctrination that’s taking place through the new reading curriculum being used in WCS. Yet curiously, most of the 30 public commenters they had speak out against the Wit & Wisdom curriculum at Monday night’s meeting focused on age appropriateness of the content, not CRT — they even had props and signs to accompany and illustrate many of the examples.

But wait, we haven’t yet mentioned the seahorses because honestly it deserves its own section.



Andy Spears

Writer and policy advocate living in Nashville, TN —Public Policy Ph.D. — writes on education policy, consumer affairs, and more . . .