My Highest-Earning NewsBreak Story in February was About Tennessee Politics
Just don’t read the comments
NewsBreak continues to be a reliable platform for me to earn money from my writing.
I’ve read that some writers there earn the equivalent of their mortgage payment.
I’m not there yet — but I do see consistent earnings that outpace what I earn at Medium and nicely supplement my regular income.
I’ve started tracking the top-earning stories so I can focus my time on what works.
To be clear, NewsBreak is not my favorite writing platform. The comments are atrocious. However, I do like being able to write about news of interest to me and earning a decent payday from it.
In February, my highest-earning NewsBreak story was about Tennessee politics.
This single story earned more than all my work on Medium in February.
A group of progressive pastors advocating under the umbrella of the Southern Christian Coalition routinely challenges state…