More About ManyStories

One more place to share your content

Andy Spears
2 min readMay 16, 2023
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Do you need one more place to share your content?


Yes, you do!

I mean, sure there’s Twitter AND Mastodon.

And there’s Instagram.

And Facebook.

You could link your articles in a Substack newsletter.

But why not ONE more place?

I’ve been sharing my content on ManyStories since just after the beginning of the year.

The concept is simple: Upload a link to your story, tag it, and then it is shared to readers.

Will you see hundreds or thousands of new views?

Maybe not.

But you will place your content in front of new potential readers.

Plus, you can find content from other writers — many of them on Medium.

One big plus: Lots of readers on MS are also Medium members — so you can get some extra Medium reading time on your stories.

I’ve noticed a slow and steady uptick in views/reads since I’ve been sharing on ManyStories.

I put all my content there — from Medium to NewsBreak to Substack.

If you want to find everything I write in one place, ManyStories is the place to go.

If you are a Medium writer and want to expose your work to new potential readers, ManyStories can help.



Andy Spears

Writer and policy advocate living in Nashville, TN —Public Policy Ph.D. — writes on education policy, consumer affairs, and more . . .