From Credit Cards to Criminal Justice

Variety is the spice of NewsBreak

Andy Spears
3 min readJan 30, 2023
Photo by Theo Crazzolara on Unsplash

A lot of writers have noted that NewsBreak is a reliable source of writing income. Yana Bostongirl has been sharing her success there for some time. Judy Derby is fairly new to NewsBreak, but seems to be enjoying it. Cathy Coombs writes local history and finds it personally and financially rewarding.

The question, then, is what do you write about at NewsBreak?

Last week, I wrote a post that broke my NewsBreak writing into categories.

I’m doing it again this week — just publishing links to my NewsBreak stories broken down into categories. It is, to me, an interesting range of topics and it shows that writers with diverse interests can find a home (and earn money) on the platform.

Consumer Protection



Andy Spears

Writer and policy advocate living in Nashville, TN —Public Policy Ph.D. — writes on education policy, consumer affairs, and more . . .