Daily Growth on Substack

Consistent posting, consistent growth

Andy Spears
2 min readMar 7, 2023
Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Substack for a while now — I have newsletters on education policy and consumer affairs.

The education Substack is the larger of the two. This post, then, will focus on my growth on that particular newsletter.

There were 28 days in February and I saw net growth of 34 subscribers.

That’s slightly more than one new subscriber every single day.

Admittedly, I saw 10 sign-ups from this post — which saw about twice as many pageviews as I normally see.

Here are my takeaways from consistently seeing people read my work and then sign up — and yes, some even choose the paid subscription option!

  1. Write consistently. I publish 2–3 posts per week. It’s not overwhelming, but it’s reliable.
  2. Write when there’s something to share — don’t just write to get content out there, share something interesting/significant and relevant to your topic.
  3. Engage with your readers — engaging in the comments helps build community and encourages people to share your work.

I like Substack because it is a blog AND a newsletter and it lets me connect with a target audience who shares my interests.

What are your keys to growth on Substack?



Andy Spears

Writer and policy advocate living in Nashville, TN —Public Policy Ph.D. — writes on education policy, consumer affairs, and more . . .