Another Week, Another Top Writer Status at ManyStories

Three weeks in a row

Andy Spears
1 min readFeb 6, 2023
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I’ve been on ManyStories for about a month now.

It’s a great site for both sharing content and discovering new writers.

This is the third week in a row I’ve received notice that I’m a “top writer” on the platform.

For the first two week, I was in the number 4 spot.

This week, it was number 6.

Still, it’s great to be mentioned among the top 10 writers of the week.

What does that mean?

It means I get my pic and profile link on the left column of the site.

It’s a win because it means more people are exposed to my content.

Why should you try ManyStories?

Because it offers one more chance to get your writing in front of an audience of readers.

Yes, ManyStories users are writers — but writers are readers. Plus, a lot of ManyStories users are Medium writers — when Medium members read your Medium content, you log reading time.

That’s how you get paid on Medium.



Andy Spears

Writer and policy advocate living in Nashville, TN —Public Policy Ph.D. — writes on education policy, consumer affairs, and more . . .