Member-only story
Another Great Week at ManyStories
The power of sharing
If you’re a writer — whether here on Medium or anywhere — you likely want people (at least some people) to read your work.
You might also like it if you earned at least some money for your effort.
At Medium, that means finding readers who are Medium members — and it means giving them content they read — and read a lot of OR for a long time- or both.
How do you do it?
One way is to find platforms that allow you to share your content.
Social media — YES!
One platform I’ve used over the past couple months is ManyStories.
This past week, I was the #3 content sharer (Top Writer, they call it).
I’ve been as high as #2 on the list.
I’m also in the top 10 in terms of reading.
ManyStories is a place to both share and discover content.
LOTS of ManyStories users are Medium members. That means when they read your story, you earn here at Medium.
It’s also a great way to find other Medium writers outside your Medium following.
Where do you share your content?